Cielo Vargas Gómez
Bogotá, Colombia
Works and lives in México and Colombia
Master in Sound Studies and Sonic Arts. (2021-2023). Universität der Künste Berlin, Alemania.
Thesis: HECHIZAS. Screaming Machines: Artistic Research in the Soundscape and the Loudspeaker- Objects of Bogotá´s Street Commerce. Thesis supervisors: Professor Georg F. Klein
and PhD. Pedro J S Vieira de Oliveira.
PhD. Public Art. (2005-2010). Polytechnic University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain. Doctoral thesis: Inhabiting from the surface: space and decorative gesture. An approach to the artistic interventions on wall from minimalism to today. Thesis directors: PhD. Juan Bautista Peiró López and PhD. Juan Antonio Canales Hidalgo. Outstanding cum laude.
Diploma of Advanced Studies DEA. (2006-2008). Polytechnic University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain.
BA Fine Arts. (1999-2004). National University of Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia. Tesis: The result of that beautiful way to deal with things. Tutor: PhD. Miguel Antonio Huertas. Degree with a Meritor mention
The Gender Perspective in the Teaching-Learning Processes in Higher Education Institutions. (2023) Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia.
Stretching Senses School Workshop. (2022) InKüLe - Innovationen für die künstlerische Lehre - kollaboriert mit dem Exzellenzcluster „Matters of Activity“, Universität der Künste Berlin.
Leaking Bodies Workshop. (2022) InKüLe - Innovationen für die künstlerische Lehre - kollaboriert mit dem Exzellenzcluster „Matters of Activity“, Universität der Künste Berlin.
Locative Media for Earthlings in a Changing World Summer School. (2020) Super Cluster Department of Digital Humanities, King’s College London and Cgeomap.
Acustic Ecology. (2018). Ars Sonorus, Bogotá, Colombia.
Field Recordings workshop. (2014). Gilberto Alzate Avendaño Foundation FUGAA, Station CKWEB and Experimental Center Wild Ear. Bogotá, Colombia.
Systems of Form Analysis and Representation. (2008). Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Granada, Granada, Spain, 9 credits.
Academic Exchange. (2003). Andes University. Bogotá, Colombia. Courses: Technical Textiles. Manual Stamping Techniques. History of textile and costume.
Scholarship: DAAD- COLFUTURO 2021, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and COLFUTURO scholarship programme. Win/semester 2021- 2023 UdK Berlin, Germany.
Grant: Incentives Ministry of Culture 2019 Artistic Residences Program Colombia-Canada (Banff Center of Arts and Creativity). 1 march to 5 abril 2020, Banff Alberta, Canada.
Rural Residence of Contemporary Narratives "Yanuna de sonidos", laboratory of experimentation and sound creation around the traditional kitchens of Pujili-Ecuador. 9-11 May 2019 Pujili, Province of Cotopaxi Ecuador.
Scholarship: Electroacoustic Composition Gathering 2016 October 4 - 8 2016 In the framework of the International Festival of Music and New Technologies "Sound Visions 12 "organized by the Mexican Center for Music and Sound Arts (CMMAS), in Morelia, Michoacán, Mexico.
Special Mention: An alive voice: Megaphone advertising in Bogotá. Paper for the II Sonology Panel, XIII Academic Forum Design. XV International Festival of the Image. University of Caldas. Manizales 9-13 May 2016.
Scientific Committee Member, International Journal of Design, Autonomous University of Colombia, 2015.
Special Mention: From Space to the event: exhibition of products of informal trade in Bogota. Paper for the XI Academic Forum Design. XIII International Festival of the Image. University of Caldas. Manizales 5-10 May 2014.
Nominated for Best Teacher Award 2013, Advertising Program, Corporación Universitaria Unitec, Bogotá, Colombia, 2014.
Financing Research Project: Didactic characteristics of teaching in art education and its specific languages, ​​at present and our context (Research Group LBEA Dideart ). General Academic Vicerrectoría Uniminuto. Bogotá, Colombia, 2012. (Main researcher)
Best Teacher Award in 2011, Film and Television Program, Corporación Universitaria Unitec, Bogotá, Colombia, 2012.
Outstanding Cum Laude. PhD thesis, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Faculty of Arts, Painting Department. Valencia, Spain, 2010.
Tuition Scholarship of Graduate Studies, obtained for the teaching period 2005-2006 and for 2006-2007 research phase, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain.
Collaborator in the work Instant Narrative of the artist Dora García under Cyberfem exposure, EACC (Espai D'Art Contemporani de Castelló), October 20, 2006 to January 21, 2007, Castellon, Spain. [Http://www.cyberfem.net/]
Prize: 1645 hours (1645 hours Consortium), winner of the 2004 Convocatories of the District Institute of Culture and Tourism (IDCT), Santa Fe Gallery Main Hall Cultural Centre Planetarium of Bogota, Bogota, Colombia, 2005.
Meritorious mention: grade thesis, School of Visual Arts, National University of Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia, 2004.
Mention work out of competition: XXXI Salon Cano, National University of Colombia Arts Museum, Bogotá, Colombia, 2004.
Honors, National University of Colombia, Bogota Colombia, 2000.
VARGAS, Cielo (2023) Nomad noise. Leaks for a porous listening, URVAKAN Festival, Armenia. https://urvakan.com/cielo_vargas_gomez/
VARGAS, Cielo (2022) Acoustic spells: the sound image of the informal trade in Bogota.In Cárdenas, Juan David [et. al] (ed.) Images: between imagination and reality, Bogotá: Corporación Universitaria Unitec ISBN: 978-958-9020-27-2
VARGAS, Cielo (2021) Chapter on sound experimentation in Pamplona -Norte de Santander. In Díaz, Jorge Mario (Coor.) Sound Art in Colombia, Bogotá: Universidad Antonio Nariño ISBN: 978- 958- 5181- 22-9
VARGAS, Cielo (2019) Audible repetition and collective memory as a sound antimonument in Mexico City, within the framework of the M68. In Vanegas, Carolina [et. al] (ed.) Ephemeral / Permanent: struggles for the conservation of public art. Lima: Ricardo Palma University ISBN: 978- 612-4419-25-6
​VARGAS, Cielo (2019) Sound Place and Resounding Subject. In Alcino [et al.]; compiled by Raul Minsburg. - 1st edited edition (2019) I International Symposium on Sound Art: sound worlds: crosses, circulations, experiences, Buenos Aires: National University of Tres de Febrero. ISBN 978-987-4151-99-5
​VARGAS, Cielo (2018) Clinamen: megaphone advertising in the streets of Bogota. Dynamic and Contextual Advertising. Reflections on advertising discourse. Bogotá: Universidad JorgeTadeo Lozano. ISSN: 2619-5321
VARGAS, Cielo (2018). Pamplonita River: sound place and resonates subject. Proceedings: Design and creation. International Academic Forum. Manizales: Universidad de Caldas. ISBN: 978-958-759-161-3
VARGAS, Cielo (2015). Inhabiting from the surface or a formless glance of the city. Artistic thought: research on film, advertising, design and art. Bogotá: Corporación Universiatria Unitec. ISBN: 978-958-58198-2-5
VARGAS, Cielo (2015). Appearances and disappearances: Informal advertising in Bogota's public space. Media and city. Madrid: Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM). ISBN: 978-84606-9563-9.
VARGAS, Cielo (2014). Leaks and appropriations: Informal advertising in Bogota's public space. NODE magazine. No. 17, Vol. 9, pp 56-69. July to December 2014. ISSN: 1909-3888
VARGAS, Cielo (2013). Bordering the formless: Informal advertising on the streets of Bogota. Memoirs 4th International Congress on Education and Creativity. Cartagena: Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina. (Digital)
VARGAS, Cielo (2011). Inhabiting from the surface: space and decorative gesture. Saarbrücken-Alemania: EAE Editorial Académica Española marca de LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG. ISBN: 978-3-8443-4607-7.
IN-SONORA 12th International Exhibition of Sound and Interactive Art, Madrid March 2022. Laboratorio Mestizo, conference: Cuadernillos de la informalidad. The sound of the Tianguis in CDMX.15 March 2022 (Online).
II International Congress Connections and Dimensions. "Connections and human dimensions of urban space". Organized by UNAM FES Acatlan, Mexico (Online) November 11, 18 and 25, 2021. Participation Table 6: Perspectives and urban imaginaries. Presentation: The hero without a pedestal: crisis of the monument, anti-monuments and deconstructions.
II Ibero-American Congress of Cultural Management and Cultural Promotion. Cultural Heritage in Ibero-America: Current Political and Social Scenarios. Problems and Emergencies12-16 april 2020, Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México (Online) Conference: Antimonument: the decline of the monument? Case analysis, 8M 2019, Mexico City.
I International Seminar and III Colombian Seminar on Imaginaries and Representations. September 21-25 2020, Ibero-American Network for Research in Imaginaries and Representations (RIIR). (Online) Conference: Formless booklets: acoustic analysis of the San Felipe tianguis in Mexico City as a means of resignification in the construction of the social imaginary of space.
International meeting/conference Drifting bodies/ fluent spaces. July 22-24 2020, Lab2PT (Laboratório de Paisagens, Património e Território) University of Minho, Made of Walking y Cámara Municipal de Guimares, Portugal. (Audio paper) Walking piece: El camino silencioso (Silent Trail)
Aesthetics and Education Symposium. Doctorate in Education, Universidad San Buenaventura, May 27-29, 2020, Cali, Colombia (Online). Conference: Aesthetics and education: from the recognition of the space I inhabit (we inhabit).
​VI International Seminar on public art in Latin America: Ephemeral / Permanent, struggles for the conservation of public art. GEAP Latin America, Ricardo Palma University, November 20 to 22, 2019, Lima, Peru. Paper: Audible repetition and collective memory as a sound antimonument in Mexico City, within the framework of the M68.
I Meeting of Creation and Emerging Pedagogies in the Latin American Context. Pereira Art Museum, Ministry of Culture. November 12-15, 2019, Pereira, Colombia. Paper: Traveling sound: creation as a research methodology.
Micro Residence R.E.D. Project, Faculty of Humanities and Arts, Universidad del Tolima. Ibagué Colombia, October 18, 2019. Presentation: Sound antimonument, the collective protest.
​International Communication and Popular Culture Conference in Latin America and the Caribbean. University of Chile, September 3-5, 2019, Santiago de Chile. Lecture: Sound situationism: informal commerce in Bogotá.
2 Congress of Ethnomusicology, Sound bodies: music, aesthetic experience and social praxis. FaM, UNAM, November 13 to 16, 2018, Mexico City. Paper: Formless sound: from the live voice to the accidental sound artifacts in the urban context of Bogotá and its impact on the soundscape of the city.
International Sound Art Symposium "Sound Worlds: crosses, circulations, experiences", Art and Culture Research Institute "Dr. Norberto Griffa "(IIAC) - National University of Tres de Febrero (UNTREF), Buenos Aires Argentina 13-14 september 2018: Sound place and resonates subject.
​XVII International Festival of the Image, University of Caldas. Manizales 11-18 may 2018. Paper for the XV Academic Forum of Design: Pamplonita River: sound place and resonates subject.
Fon_on 7th International Encounter of Sound Art and Audiovisual Exploration, Faculty of Music (FAM) National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). Mexico City 24- 26 January 2018. Paper: When river sounds, research project creation.
​ISEA 2017, XVI International Festival of the Image, University of Caldas. Manizales 11-18 June 2017. Paper for the XIV Academic Forum of Design: When river sounds,resignification of the territory Pamplonita River.
​5th International Encounter of Sound Art and Audiovisual Exploration, Faculty of Arts and Design (FAD) National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). Mexico City 24- 26 January 2017. Paper: Resignification of the territory experiences from the Soundscape in the public space.
​XII International Festival of Music and New Technologies "Visiones Sonoras", Center Mexican for Music and Sound Arts (CMMAS). Morelia 4-8 October 2016. Fellow Participant: Encounter of Electroacoustic Composition.
​XV International Festival of the Image, University of Caldas. Manizales 9-13 May 2016. Paper for the II Sonology Panel, XIII Academic Forum of Design: An alive voice: Megaphone advertising in Bogotá.
​XIV International Festival of the Image, University of Caldas. Manizales 20-25 April 2015. Paper for the XII Academic Forum of Design: The Estrada: soundscape.
​IV International Forum of Art in Public Space: The city and its memory. Cayenne Cultural Center of the North University. Barranquilla 26 and 27 October, 2014. Paper: Transitional Habitat. Approaches between public art and the informal advertising in Bogota.
​XIII International Festival of the image. University of Caldas. Manizales 5-10 May 2014. Paper for the XI Academic Forum of Design: From Space to the event: exhibition of products of informal trade in Bogota.
​VI International Conference Art and City, III International Meetings. Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM). Madrid Spain 1 to 3 April 2014. Paper: Appearances and disappearances: Informal advertising in Bogota's public space.
Jury. IDARTES 2024. Grant for Drawingpolis street art. Bogotá Colombia.
Jury. IDARTES 2020. Grant for Drawingpolis- Drawers and Virtual Cartooners. Bogotá Colombia.
Jury. IDARTES 2014. Recognition Award Local Artistic Production- Programa Barrio Bienal. Bogotá Colombia.
Jury. IDARTES 2014. Grant for an Artistic Urban Intervention with a Local Community. Bogotá Colombia.
landscape. Paintings in the permanent collection of the Museum of Contemporary Art MAC. Bogota, Colombia.
Spoken noise, Rundgang 2023, Sound Studies and Sonic Arts. Universität der Künste Berlin (UdK) Lietzenburger Building. Intervention and sound activation in different public spaces in the building. Berlin, Germany.
HECHIZAS, Sound Master Exhibit, Program of Sound Studies and Sonic Arts. Universität der Künste Berlin (UdK) Collegium Hungaricum Berlin (CHB), Berlin, Germany. Sound installation 4.0 channels outside piece and video of public sound intervention in different locations in Berlin. Germany.
Vorágine, solo exhibition, Program of Sound Studies and Sonic Arts. Universität der Künste Berlin (UdK) Sounds About Gallery, Berlin, Germany. Sound installation.
Walking speaker: sound document of the marches and peaceful collective protests of July 20 at the Monument of Heroes in Bogotá, within the framework of the national strike. Sound document 3.0 channels and audiovisual projection. Group exhibition Transgresiones, Contemporary Museum of Art MAC, Bogotá, Colombia.
Der Gang der Dinge. Group exhibition, coordinated by Professor Hans Peter Kuhn, Program of Sound Studies and Sonic Arts. Universität der Künste Berlin (UdK) Bundesallee Building 2nd floor. Berlin, Germany. Work: Formless sounds, 12-channel sound piece. Immersion in the tianguis. 6minutes.
Walking speaker: sound document of the marches and peaceful collective protests of July 20 at the Monument of Heroes in Bogotá, within the framework of the national strike. Sound document 3.0 channels and audiovisual projection. FESE 2021 Experimental Sound Station Festival, Odeón, Bogotá,Colombia.
Freq_wave: seven seas.Collaborative sound project unleashing 84 rogue sound artist for the Ocean. Curated by Carl Michael von Hausswolf, co-curated by Alonso Vázquez and commissioned by TBA Academy. (on line www.tba21.org)
Project: Sounds from my window. International collaborative work of soundscapers. Organized by GRIS Peru, Sound Research Group of Peru.(on line https://grisperu.com/sonidos-desde-mi-ventana/)
Pamplonita River: sound place and resonant subject. (Quadraphonic sound installation based on the sounds captured in the Pamplonita River and documentary about the experiences of the inhabitants of the River) Fundación Gilberto Alzate Avendaño (La FUGA), Bogotá, Colombia.
Rural Residence of Contemporary Narratives "Yanuna de sounidos", laboratory of experimentation and sound creation around the traditional kitchens of Pujili-Ecuador. Collective sound exploration.
M68. Plaza de Santo Domingo, Ciudad de México. Colectivo Lab_Sonido Informal en Megaofrenda UNAM. Mexico City.
Río Pamplonita: lugar sonoro y sujeto que resuena. Museo de Arte Moderno Eduardo Ramírez Villamizar/Casa Águeda Gallardo. Pamplona Norte de Santander, Colombia.
Entre nubes suena un Río. Colectivo Lab_Sonido Informal. Puentes Sonoros, XVII Festival Internacional de la Imagen. Manizales, Colombia.
Entre nubes suena un Río. Colectivo Lab_Sonido Informal. Fon_on 7th International Encounter of Sound Art and Audiovisual Exploration. Mexico City, México.